service times and directions


Thanks for visiting with us online. Spend some time looking around. We have designed this site to be informative and helpful just for you.

You may be wondering who we are. We are made up of people from a wide variety of generations, cultures and backgrounds, and we each have a story to tell about how God has impacted our lives. We are not perfect (none of us are!) but perhaps we can work and walk together as a community and get to know each other better along the way.

Feel free to look around, and if you have any questions for us, please Contact Us.

Want to check out our sermons? Click Here. 中文查经

Interested in our upcoming events? Click Here.

We will be having a special DVBS meeting from August 23rd to 27th. Please click here for an english poster and here for a Chinese poster.

Our meetings will be held online on Zoom. Please call or email us for the code and details on how to connect online. The chapel's phone number is 604-733-0915.

All are welcome who would like to join us to meet at the Chapel on Sunday Mornings and Tuesday evening for our regular prayer and Bible Teaching time. The meetings will be on zoom as usual as well as at the chapel.
Because of the coronavirus problem, we will follow the following procedures:

- We will each sanitize our hands upon arrival.
- We will sit only in marked chairs upstairs. Families may sit together.
- We will maintain our social distancing throughout the evening.
- The building will be sanitized prior to the meeting.

Thank you and God bless!

peace with God visitor section
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