Youth Group

The Sixteenth Gospel Chapel youth group gets together every Friday at 7:30pm for games, sports, fellowship and fun, as well as getting into God's Word to help understand what life should be all about! We also have special events happening over the course of the year which are geared towards youth, such as conferences and day-long outings and are often done in collaboartion with other local youth groups.

The youth leaders provide a safe environment, refreshments and rides to and from the youth event and are available for the youth and their parents during the week for any questions or concerns.

Activities over the course of a year include:

• Rock Climbing at an indoor climbing facility
• Fun and Games at the chapel
• Gym Nights, which includes sports such as basketball, hockey and more
• Bible studies to learn more about God
• Outdoor sports such as beach volleyball
• Much more!

Please contact us for more information about our youth ministry!